Publications by Todd Williams

Singles In The American Church



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21st Century America is full of diversity, Church leaders and seminaries are fraught with discussions about applying the Gospel with cultural relevance, reaching people in different ethnicities and class distinctions. Yet one group has largely been neglected, though it transends every culture, ethnicity, and class. It comrises nearly half the American population (200 Million). Additionally, they are one of the most highly regarded groups in the Bible. What is this group that has been so easily overlooked? Singles. Though Jesus and Paul both affirmed singles as a prime group for the Gospel, the place of singles is often neglected in the American Church. How many leaders in our churches are communicating that it is OK to be Christian and single? With 200 million people’s way of life virtually ignored in American Church culture, this book explores the origins of the primacy of marriage in Western Christianity. It examines the Biblical teachings of singleness, the historical development of marriage as the only legitimate means of Christian expression, and the influences of war and secular psychoanalysis. This book gives an honest critique of the imbalance of American Christianity as well as how to begin honoring and respecting singles in the American Church.





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Everything has a beginning. The earth, the sea, the skies. Everything. This begins the universe of Ouranic Histories. Join the adventure as the cosmos is formed. Witness the beginning of the Ouranic Histories and how Heavenlies came to be. How the pinnacle of creation was a dividing point amongst them. And in their endeavors, see how the Heavenlies that were exiled are now pitted against their faithful brethren in their focus of the fate of Mankind, who are progressing toward their first great empire. This is the beginning.


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Echo is a Heavenly who is assigned to protect the son of an Elder of Babel named Urarmar. During his assignment, Echo must ally with other Heavenlies to ward off the advances of Exiled Heavenlies, all while protecting Urarmar.
Urarmar is a young Elder’s son trying to find his way in the politics of an ever growing empire, whose culmination is anticipated with the completion of a massive tower that will unite all mankind. As Echo struggles to protect his subject in many ways, Urarmar must struggle through the politics of Babel and hold on to principles of justice, integrity, and love.





Echo finds himself protecting a young man named Tollen during the Hyksos invasion of Kemet. Though his subject is not a major player in the war, his tribal ties to the east could potentially leave him in a politically expedient position.
However, unbeknownst to Echo, a massive war is brewing in the Ouranic Realm as well. Two Exiled Cherubim are simultaneously planning to set up their dominion in Kemet. Echo and his team of Heavenlies must again unite to fend off their exiled brethren who have newly developed skills to afflict humans and guard themselves against the dreaded Agents of Perdition.

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