TGP Vision & Belief

This is a summary of TGP’s Statement of Faith & Vision Statement:

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

1. The inerrancy of all Scripture

2. The incarnation of the eternal Son of God, Jesus Christ, who came in the flesh through the virgin birth, led a sinless life, was crucified, dead and buried. He resurrected on the third day in bodily form and ascended into heaven.

3. The Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Separate, yet equal in perfect unity

4. Salvation through faith in Jesus alone demonstrated by repentance.

5. The believer has received the Holy Spirit as a pledge of redemption who empowers them to live according to the Scriptures.

6. The subsequent baptism of the Holy Spirit is active today, and all can receive the gifts of the spirit for signs, wonders and miracles.

7. The future bodily resurrection of all men and subsequent judgement.

8. Water Baptism is the first act of obedience after receiving the gift of salvation. Water baptism is done

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and by full immersion.

9. Holy Communion (a.k.a. The Lord’s Supper) is represented by the cup and bread, symbolizing Jesus’ broken body and shed blood for our redemption.

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